The Supervisor initially achieves control over the 1130 Monitor System through the user-initiated Cold Start procedure. The Cold Start procedure begins with the IPL (Initial Program Load) of the Cold Start record, which causes the Cold Start program to be read into core storage from the system cartridge and control to be transferred to it.
The Cold Start program, in turn, loads the Resident Monitor into its location in lower core storage. The Cold Start procedure ends when control is given to the job initialization program in the Supervisor.
NOTE: Do not perform a cold start with an uninitialized cartridge on line.
To perform a cold start:
Switches 12-15 off, drive 0
Switch 15 on, drive 1
Switch 14 on, drive 2
Switch 15, 14 on, drive 3
Switch 13 on, drive 4
When the Cold Start record is read, a dummy // JOB record is printed on the principal printer and the Supervisor prints cartridge status information as follows.
LOG DRIVE is always zero
CART SPEC is the cartridge ID written on the cartridge by DCIP.
CART AVAIL is the same as CART SPEC.
PHY DRIVE is the physical drive number selected in the console entry switches. This physical drive is now logical zero.
The Monitor system is now operational and is ready to receive the first JOB record from the reader. If an attempt is made to cold start a non-system cartridge, an error message -- NON-SYST. CART ERROR -- is printed on the Console Printer.
The table below lists the error stops contained in the Cold Start Loader (i.e., card or paper tape).
Absolute Address | Explanation | |
/0014 | -Invalid disk drive number in Console Entry Switches -Indicated disk drive not ready |
/0044 | -Disk read error -Waiting for interrupt from seek operation |
/0046 | -Waiting for interrupt from reading sector @IDAD |
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